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  • callallstar669


Mobile Windshield Repair so we've had a really good time for a technique in case you come across something difficult spot Mobile Windshield Repair and that's one of the reasons you have a small section cup so this is what I'm do I'm put the fiber line to the inside.

mobile windshield repair
mobile windshield repair

You want to make Mobile Windshield Repair sure that is tucked in correctly one name you can use this mock-up at this time now I could have used this mock-up at any time too and I'm just used to using this one now so I'm make a double knot right here alright so this is the technique okay so I'm gonna use.

The Raptor remember as low as you can and then I'm gonna put this fiber line and I'm actually gonna cut from both fiber lines so as you can see I'm using the Raptor has an anchor as well you you're actually see both lines cutting at every turn so.

This is where it gets Mobile Windshield Repair really fun so now I'm gonna pick you see but now this line is coming as well and when you when you get to that zero angle guess what both lines are gonna cut at the same time and that's it you end up with the with the fiber line inside but see that.

That um that technique is very useful when you're cutting a glass or something in a body shop because you'll have this suction cup gear from the Raptor and then you have the line from your anchor and you could manipulate let's say the.

The suction cup with the anchor on this side and then you'll be cutting this entire end like if you have a small and small section you could you don't have to only be cutting from the one that is coming out of the the fiber line coming out of the Raptor you could also cut from.

The line coming from your anchor and like I said it all depends you could even come on this side and then it'll start pulling down from top to bottom and then if you have a really tight angle you'll start cutting for you so that's a technique I use it on a few different vehicles that are very tight before it will either cut my forever line or.

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